Contact Marlous Designs for pricing of all lectures and workshops. Offerings are subject to change.
Any of our patterns can be used as the basis of a workshop - you only need to ask.
Any of our patterns can be used as the basis of a workshop - you only need to ask.
Half Day Workshops:
We offer several half day workshops that are guaranteed to jump start your creativity. Most of our full day workshops can be modified to a half day workshop format.

- Visual Piecing/Designing from the Scrap Bag - enter the world of 'unique' with this fun, stress free, pattern-free, 'no way to do it wrong' quilt design. With this technique your spirit will soar, your creativity will know no bounds, and a quilt will be created based on your imagination. Improvisation at its best - quilt design without boundaries.
- This can also be tailored to be a full day workshop.

- Circles are our friends - a shortened version of the full day 'Fearless Circle' workshop. Learn the easy 4 or 8 pin method for setting in circles. If you can sew a 1/4'' seam, you will have success with circles.

- Bags/Totes 101 - learn how to 'box your bottom', make a welt pocket, then add a zipper. I promise it is all easy and painless!!! You will leave with a finished tote. Pattern required - Walk About Tote. Can also be made into a full day workshop.
Full Day Workshops:
We have a slew of full day workshops that are sure to please. We guarantee that you will end the day inspired!

- Fantasy Free Motion Quilting - free motion quilting on your domestic machine is fun, liberating, rewarding and totally do able! The morning is spent learning/perfecting 6-8 different basic motifs that work well together in an overall look. The afternoon will be spent filling up a quilt sandwich with the motifs, learning how to move smoothly from one motif to another, how to work your way around the quilt sandwich, how to have motifs pop and how different densities add visual interest. Trouble shooting tension issues, thread quandaries and needles will also be addressed. Some free motion experience helpful but not required.

- Landscape Tiles - step into the world of textile art as you create your own fabric collages wall tile. Choose from any of our ‘Tile Collage’ patterns for your workshop. When the day is done you will walk away with a piece of textile art that is part collage, part raw edge appliqué and part ‘shadow’ quilting. It’ easy, fun and rewarding.
Pattern required but participants can choose any one pattern from the ‘tile’ series.

- Visual Piecing/Designing from the Scrap Bag - Enter the world of spontaneous design. Throw away the stress of the need for accurate cutting, accurate piecing, and the need for accurate matching. This is a workshop of discovery and liberation and finding some serious attitude in our quilting.
This class is a technique/design class - learn about color, spontaneous/improvisational design, free form slicing, skinny inserts, and sewing free hand gentle curves. Several techniques you'll learn are: ‘center out’ designs, building blocks, skinny inserts, and gentle curves.

- A Slice of Freedom - make a quilt top that is totally unique, totally one of a kind as you embark on the fun tour of cutting free hand curves and 'visual piecing'. You will be amazed at how easy it is! This is a more structured approach to 'visual piecing' - not quite pattern-free but most definitely ruler free cutting.

- Painting with Fabric a Landscape Design - discover how to ‘paint’ with fabric as you create a visual stunning piece of textile art. Loosely based on Noriko Endo’s ‘Confetti’ technique, this ‘no rules’, all is good method is liberating and inspiring. In this workshop you will discover how to replicate a scene that is a true work of art when you are done.

- Fearless Circles - from the beginner to the expert, all will have fun with the easy 4 or 8 pin method for setting in circles. Learn how to 'bounce', make crescents, and how to bisect a circle without flattening during this full day workshop. This is a design class and you will be inspired to create!